Legislative instrument – F2017L01032 – IMMI 17/018 – Working Holiday Visa – Specified Work and Regional Australia 2017, lists the types of work and regional postcodes where this must be undertaken, for eligibility for a second working holiday visas.
The following change has been made to the previous Instrument:
Western Australian postcodes 6055, 6056, 6096 have been removed from the list of eligible postcodes.
The list of specified work activities remains unchanged.
This Instrument supersedes IMMI 2016/087 which has been repealed.
ENS / RSMS Refusals – reminder to check document attachments
MIA members are again reminded that the Department is refusing applications that do not have all supporting documents attached, often within a few weeks of lodgement.
It is suggested that members check all applications they have lodged in ImmiAccount and keep screen shots or printouts of attachments, as some members are reporting attachments are disappearing and other apparent system faults.
If you are unable to provide documents or information at the time of lodgement, it is essential to upload notification to the Department with the ImmiAccount application, explaining the reason for the delay and possible timeframe for provision.