Accountants – SkillSelect 20 September 2017 round
Many members have contacted the MIA about the jump from 75 points to 85 points for the Accountants in this round.
The MIA has contacted the Department seeking an explanation and has been informed that the Department has takenno action to increase the points to 85. The SkillSelect system is being examined to establish an explanation for the increase.
If members have clients who will be adversely affected because of age or similar issuesbefore the next round of offers please contact the MIA and give a brief description of your clients’ issues.
The MIA will be prioritising those applications with urgent time related issues.
Work & Holiday and Working Holiday visa changes
Legislative Instrument – F2017L01240 – IMMI 17/097 : Arrangements for Work and Holiday and Working Holiday Visa Applications 2017 adds an extra lodgemnet address in China for applicants from the PRC and adds Peru to list of eligible countries for Work and Holiday visas.
A fourth Australian Visa Application Centre has been added to the addresses where applications for Subclass 462 Work and Holiday visas can be lodged in China:
Chengdu, Room 2-2, 2/F, No 11-15, Section 4, South Renmin Road, Wuhou District, Chegdu City, Sichuan Province CHINA 610041
Peru has been specified as a country where eligible passport holders may apply for a Subclass 462 Work and Holiday visa. Schedule 2 of this Instrument provides that applicants are required to holdtertiary qualifications or to have successfully completed at least two years of undergraduate university study to be eligible to apply for this visa.
The postal and street addresses for lodging applications for this visa in Santiago De Chile are also listed in Schedule 2.The upper age limit for applicants from Peru making a Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa application is30 years old.This Instrument revokes IMMI 17/050 and commences on 1 October 2017
VETASSESS – update
VETASSESS has provided updates on its website, these include:
- GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION FEE FOR TRADE OCCUPATIONS – A $300 Government Administration fee will be charged to all new trade applications from 1 October 2017
- NEW TECHNICAL INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT VENUE – Nepal – Applicants can now attend interviews in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- GENERAL PROFESSIONAL OCCUPATIONS – ONLINE PORTAL –The document upload process has been modified on the portal
To find out more about the changes above or to learn more updates to the skills assessment offered by VETASSESS, register for one of our upcoming events.More information is available on the VETASSESS website