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Ethnic, Aboriginal and Human Rights organisations call on government to have strong and effective racial vilification laws

The Australian Government must maintain strong and effective laws against racial hatred, Aboriginal, ethnic and human rights organisations said today in a joint letter responding to the inquiry into the racial vilification protections in the Racial Discrimination Act.

The release of the letter coincides with a meeting in Melbourne this week between the UN expert on racism, Mutuma Ruteere, and Aboriginal, ethnic and human rights organisations.

Joe Caputo, Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia said, “While Australia is a proudly multicultural nation, sadly the evidence shows that more and more people are experiencing discrimination.

The Government should be doing everything it can to fight racism and hate speech in our community. At this time more than ever, it must send a strong message that the protection of vulnerable minority groups from racial vilification is a priority,” said Mr Caputo.

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