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Skilled Regional (Subclass 887) with an Immigration Lawyer in Sydney

Visas to enter Australia are varied, each one with a specific set of requirements and procedures. An Australian visa can be temporary or permanent. This article will tackle the Skilled Regional Subclass 887 visa as discussed and explained by an immigration lawyer in Sydney.

The Skilled Regional Subclass 887 visa is a permanent Australian visa that is granted to those that meet requirements and criteria with very minimal waiver provisions. Additionally, the application for this particular visa has to be lodged while the applicant is in the country. Getting the help of an immigration lawyer in Sydney increases the chances of your visa applications getting thoroughly and properly assessed and structured to get the best possible results through ensuring all applicable Department of Immigration and Border Patrol laws and policies are met and followed accordingly.

If your lodge an application for the Skilled Regional Subclass 887 visa, and receive a positive approval outcome, this visa affords you the right to:

  • Indefinitely reside in the country
  • Seek employment and pursue an education within the country
  • Seek Australian citizenship depending on eligibility
  • Sponsor partner or eligible relatives to permanently reside in Australia
  • Travel in and out of the country for up to five years starting from the date the visa was granted
  • Enrol in Australia’s Medicare for health-related care and expenses

It’s true that you can easily find any information you want on any Australian visa you want to apply under, however doing so could increase the risk of getting a visa refusal. Take this visa for example, there are specific requirements and criteria unique only the Skilled Regional Subclass 887 visa. To help you better understand what to do and how to properly lodge your application, it is recommended that you obtain the services of a registered immigration lawyer in Sydney. To ensure that you are working with a registered immigration lawyer, you can cross check their credentials over at the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority’s website.

Regulatory Authorities
Member of Migration Institute of Australia
Member of The Law Society of New South Wales
Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers

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Turner Coulson will help you out regardless of your situation, and Turner Coulson will make it a priority to get you the best outcome.

Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers

We work with a passion of taking challenges and creating
new ones in Migration sector.

Turner Coulson are leading Sydney Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents with over 30 years of experience in Migration Law, Visa Refusals, Visa Processing AAT and Federal Court Appeals. We will ensure you process your visa application formalities in the best possible way.

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Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers

Unit 23/110 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015



+61 2 9724 2393

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Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers Sydney, Australia
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