If you’re planning on travelling to Australia for business purposes, you can apply under the Visitor Visa subclass 600. This visa allows you to visit and stay in Australia from 3 to 6 or 12 months. There are quite a few important points to remember about this subclass. To get a clearer handle on the visa application process under this subclass, it is recommended that you consult an immigration lawyer in Sydney to ensure that all the information you get is accurate.
Requirements and Conditions
If you are travelling under this visa subclass as a visitor, for business visitor activities, or to visit family you can qualify for this visa. Incidentally, this visa only has limited work rights however it also allows recreational activities which can include tourism and non-formal studies.
Applications for this visa can be lodged outside of Australia. Alternately, if you’re a passport holder from ETA countries, you can apply for the business visitor visa subclass 600 through an airline, or through a travel agent.
Again, it is recommended that to make sure your business visitor visa application form is structured and lodged properly, consulting an immigration lawyer in Sydney would be extremely helpful. The business visitor visa subclass 600 has very exacting criteria and any incorrect or incomplete information could easily translate to a visa refusal. Moreover, visa application requirements largely depend on your country of origin.
It is important to note that when you apply for this visa, you will need to provide documentation that supports your application. Consulting with an immigration lawyer in Sydney will give you a better chance of correctly completing your visa application along with the required supporting documentation. Also, the possibility of lodging the business visitor visa under the incorrect subclass is minimized.
To make sure that you are working with a registered immigration lawyer in Sydney, we recommend that you visit the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority’s website.